

It’s a real scorcher today.


The sun is scorching today.


My holiday plans are completely up the spout.


I don’t feel up to going to work today.


land a good job, a big contract, the prize

*she had lost her air of arrogance and defiance.


She’s got a plum of a job.


the relentless pressure of her life as a politician


The circuit tripped again this morning.


The clock is simple for ornament, it doesn’t actually work.

*Their earnings are adequate (to their needs.)


I’ve got a snippet of information that might interest you.


What you say intrigues me; tell me more.

*tried to imagine what they must be like in private


I have only a rudimentary grasp of physics.


Something seems to be amiss – can I help?


May I butt in on your conversation?


I’m backing on your help.


sprinkle pepper on one’s food


The cake has a nice light texture.


eat, drink with (great) relish


beat the winter bulge


I’ve had too much to eat I feel absolutely bloated.


glut oneself with rich food, on cream buns


He’s always guzzling.


cloyed with rich food


Calorie-laden food


You’re getting a bit plump – you need to diet.


do a few push-ups


I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

*do a few easy exercise to limber up


the cult of physical fitness


The pills you gave me worked like a charm.


You’ve made quite a conquest.


These pictures have come out all fuzzy.


We can say farewell to seaside as we once knew them.


(a field of) wheat undulating in the breeze


a breeze ruffling the surface of the lake


The leaves brushed her cheek.




a serene sky


the first gleams of day

*Up above her glowed a deep, blue, cloudless sky.


red with a dash of blue

*the clouds filled up with rays of gold and pink


the first breath of spring


The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze.


white walls of houses gilded by the morning sun


the seductions of country life


a stinging wind


pervasive smell, dust, damp

*until the last ray of sun left the clouds

*Just as darkness threatened to submerge everything, some of the men present lit the fire.


The high street is a blaze of lights in the evening.


the glitter of decorations on a Christmas tree.



It’s a time to honor your body’s needs and to look after your health.


be drenched with rain


fingers numb with cold


She had an abortion.


in the front of my mind


leaf idly trough a magazine while waiting


hectic last-minute preparations


after a lapse of six months


for a fraction of a second


from then on


up until then


keep the momentum going


show the spirit of enterprise


Not to be outdone, she tried again.


go beyond her own limitations


The youngsters had to fend for themselves after their parents died


He had been groomed for a career in the Civil Service/ groomed as a future civil servant.


The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.


The negotiations had reached an impasse, with both sides refusing to compromise.


corrupt pratices


We toiled away all afternoon to get the house ready for our guests.



What are you up to lately?


What tricks has she been up to?


Get off my bike, you little villain!


I felt his report was deliberately opaque.


his befuddled mind


Oh dear, I’ve boobed again.


What prompted that remark?


I asked him what he thought, but he just grunted.


The singer gave an erratic performance.


We can afford to overlook minor offences.



Bear in mind that a little flattery goes a long way in the area of relationships.


When others drift on tangents your patience wears thin.


I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame.


It’s an interesting book but rather far-fetched.


I gasped in/with astonishment at the magician’s skill.


He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.




a weepy ending



fetch tears to the eyes


She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.


Bucks up! Things aren’t as bad as you think.


I must brush up (on) my Italian before I go to Rome.


I’m just browsing. I will give you a shout if I need you.


Is the special on the flyer still available?


Is this the queue for the bus?


What will you have? It’s my shout.


You’ve been lazy and given it over to someone else to manage.


Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning.


a knotty problem, question


unfounded rumors, suspicion, hopes


a compelling reason, argument


debunk the myth


His mind is teeming with bright ideas.


a brilliant tactic


This is too commonplace.


preen oneself in front of the mirror


tied up her pony-tail


You’re camera ready for your next big event.


a genial person, manner smile


a heart-to-heart chat


There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.


He is my alter ego – we go everywhere together.


a bosom friend

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